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Q & A with Our Supporters #2

Oct 13, 2020

Meet Scott & Sue Robertson, a PHS powerhouse couple who are vital to our organization’s success! Scott was most recently the Executive Director at the Boys and Girls Club of Kawartha Lakes (retired) and now sits on our Board of Directors. Sue is one of our amazing volunteers who devotes time to coming in and helping ensure the dogs under our care get a ton of enrichment & exercise. Alex Tindale, Campaign Manager here at PHS, had the opportunity to catch up with Scott & Sue to learn more about their own pets and how they believe PHS’s new Animal Care Centre will be a huge benefit to the community.

What inspired you to volunteer with the Humane Society?
We have always been animal lovers. Retiring freed up time for us to pursue other interests and what better way is there to give back than by helping animals! We had a great experience with the Humane Society many years back. We’d found a cat named Figaro and reported the cat to the Humane Society. Right away, they knew who owned the cat and gave us the information so we could return him to his owners.  The family was so happy to have Figaro back that they made a donation in our name to PHS.
What do you like most about living in Peterborough County?
The best thing about our area is the access to many urban services while maintaining close proximity to the beautiful lakes and forests in the surrounding area. It’s really the best of both worlds!
Scott, how does your professional expertise as the past Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club of Kawartha Lakes assist with your volunteer work for PHS?

My work in the not for profit world helps me understand the stresses and key issues faced by the Humane Society. I worked for two very different NFP’s over 40 years. One was in a direct service capacity and the other was much more operational and administrative. I understand what the staff are going through in their work and grasp the need to develop and maintain sound business, operational and planning strategies to ensure the ongoing stability of the organization. I look forward to helping with the development of the new facility as I was responsible for the building maintenance and construction in my last job.

Sue, what do you like most about walking dogs?
When you arrive for the walk they are all barking at you! I love it! You take them out one by one and walk them around the yard, play ball, give a belly rub or just sit quietly giving them a nice pat.  The dogs love the extra attention!  By the time you leave the dogs are settling in and have quieted down.  I love to keep an eye on the PHS Facebook page and the adoption website to see who has found a new home!
Do you have any pets at home?
We’ve always had animals in our home. Mostly dogs, but also gerbils, hamsters, fish and even a cockatiel. We adopted our first dog, Ebony, from the Humane Society. We learned a lot from Ebony and she gave us many good years of companionship. Our current dog is Iggy, a miniature Golden Doodle. She has more “doganality” than any dog we have ever had. Even at 10 years old, she still loves to run and play like a puppy. She is a loyal friend to our family and a source of great joy for us. She gives us at least one big belly laugh every day! Sue has owned three horses and her current one is Patch. Patch lives with Doug and Jane Allan at Kerry Line Stables in Ennismore. Sue rides Patch 3 – 4 times a week and enjoys taking Patch on a hack in the fields and walking him around the property so he can get the sweetest grass.
Do you have any funny stories about your pets?
Once one of our hamsters, Ashes, disappeared. We searched everywhere for him. Finally, we heard a scratching noise in the wall leading down into the basement. The only way to reach him was to cut a hole in the drywall. Just as Scott was reaching into the wall to retrieve our wayward pet, Sue uttered the words that made him stop in his tracks. She said, “I hope it’s Ashes?” After a minute to consider the situation, Scott gathered his courage and took a hammer to the wall… to both our relief, it was Ashes the hamster.
Why do you think it’s important that we build the new Centre? What will it do for our community?
The current centre is well maintained and has been a huge benefit to the community but it has out lived it’s usefulness. The new centre will bring many great new services to our community including a better shelter and adoption centre, spay and neuter clinic and an innovative dog rehabilitation centre. The business model is well conceived and includes key partners who will share the facility and costs. This is key in the service environment today. Many services under one roof makes for greater user convenience and cost controls that ensure the long-term stability of the organizations. This makes great service to animals, partners and the public easier to attain. In addition, the facility will attract visitors that will boost the local economy and increase the profile of the Peterborough area.
Why do you support PHS?
It is so important to care for all members of our community and that includes the 4 legged ones!  Animals have always been close to our hearts and to have a place that is devoted to keeping them safe and cared for is very important.

PHS is actively working at fundraising for its new facility on Technology Drive, having raised more than $7 million of the $10 million goal. The 24,000-square-foot facility will be home to an adoption and education centre, a high-volume spay and neuter clinic and the Provincial Dog Rehabilitation Centre which will be managed by the Ontario SPCA and Peterborough Humane Society.

Visit www.ourpetproject.ca for more details.

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