Wreath honouring animals in war to be placed at National Remembrance Day Ceremony

Wreath honouring animals in war to be placed at National Remembrance Day Ceremony
Peterborough, ON (November 11, 2016)
Today, as people across the nation come together to remember and honour those who have served their country, the war-time contributions of animals will also be honoured with the laying of a wreath by an Ontario SPCA Officer during the National Remembrance Day Ceremony in Ottawa.
“This is a very special occasion to formally honour the brave deeds of animals in war-time,” says Andrew Fraser Executive Director, Peterborough Humane Society. “This Remembrance Day, here in Peterborough and at the National War Memorial, we remember the veterans who have served Canada and the courageous animals who stood by their sides.”
Placing the wreath during the National Ceremony will be Ontario SPCA Officer Tex Ridder, who himself served in the military for 20 years before joining the Ontario SPCA in 2003. Ridder, a retired Sergeant, was a flight engineer and served as air crew on search and rescue missions.
“It is a privilege to have the opportunity to place a wreath for the animals that have served this country,” says Ridder. “Animals have played such an integral role in our war efforts and have always had a special bond with their human comrades.”
Andrew Fraser and a Peterborough Humane Society Officer will be attending the Royal Canadian Legion Peterborough Branch Remembrance Day Parade and Ceremony at Confederation Park in Peterborough. The representatives from the Peterborough Humane Society will also be placing a wreath, displaying the Peterborough Humane Society and Ontario SPCA names, in conjunction with the ceremony happening in Ottawa.
A variety of animals have served in wartime. Mules carried artillery, horses transported troops and hauled field guns, pigeons delivered crucial messages and dogs served as messengers, medical assistants, bomb detectors and search and rescue workers. To commemorate their contributions, an Animals in War Dedication was unveiled 2012 in Ottawa’s Confederation Park.
Media Contact:
Andrew Fraser
Executive Director
Peterborough Humane Society