A Foster Story – Keri Ferguson

“Have you ever thought about fostering? I did, for years. My main obstacle was finding the time but once I finally decided to make the commitment, I made it work and I can truly say I loved every single minute of the experience.
Two teeny, tiny kittens, just a few weeks old, came into PHS without their momma. They needed round-the-clock care including syringe feeding every 2-3 hours. When the call came, I jumped at the chance to bring them home and fill their lives with love.
Staff at PHS called them the Sweet & Sour kittens and for good reason. Their personalities couldn’t have been more opposite. “Sweet” was cuddly and quiet while “Sour” was mischievous and not very patient, especially when it came to mealtime.
I brought them back and forth to work with me every day. They were a hit. And at home, my teenaged daughter and husband quickly fell head over heels for them. It took a while to get my husband on board with fostering and now I can thank these loveable kitties for turning him into a “cat person”.
The time flew by as we watched these sweet girls grow. Of course, the hardest thing about fostering is letting go. It crushed my heart thinking about the possibility of them being separated. Well, fate stepped in, and an amazing, newly retired couple came into PHS specifically looking for a bonded pair of young cats. I couldn’t have dreamed up a better home for them.
They hit the jackpot, and so did I when I finally made the jump into fostering!”
If you’ve been considering fostering, fill out an application!
Keri Ferguson
Global Peterborough