Our Pet Project
Peterborough Animal Care Centre
The new Animal Care Centre located at 1999 Technology Drive helps more pets find their perfect people. In turn, this helps make the community happier and healthier by bringing new jobs, national attention and new resources to the City of Peterborough, Peterborough County, the surrounding region and beyond for generations to come.
Our new Animal Care Centre is over 24,000 square feet and contains three programs under one roof:
- The Peterborough Humane Society’s Shelter, Adoption and Education Centre,
- A high volume, publicly accessible Spay & Neuter Clinic to provide affordable spay and neuter services to prevent pet overpopulation and,
- Canada’s first Dog Rehabilitation Centre created in partnership with the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society.
Matching More Pets and People
While the shelter on Lansdowne Street East served the City and County of Peterborough well since 1956, we outgrew the space as we care for more animals than ever before. In our new purpose-built facility, animals have more room and are exposed to less noise and stress which reduces their anxiety and sets them up to find their forever home that much sooner.
From 6,000 sq feet to 24,000 sq feet of care built with animals’ needs in mind.

Preventing Pet Overpopulation
In our new High-Volume, Publicly Accessible Spay and Neuter Clinic, people from all over Eastern, Central and Northern Ontario can have their pets spayed or neutered to keep their animals healthy, safe and help prevent pet overpopulation. In 2023, nearly 4,000 animals were spayed and neutered!
It Pay$ to Spay
1 Female Dog + Her Offspring = 67,000 Dogs in 6 years
1 Female Cat + Her Offspring = 420,000 Cats in 7 years
Supporting the Underdog
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s Provincial Dog Rehabilitation Centre has been custom built to help dogs who need more individualized care than a typical animal centre can provide.
The Dog Rehabilitation Centre is operated by the Ontario SPCA’s Animal Behaviour team and supports dogs from animal centres across the province. It contains a number of unique features:
- An underwater treadmill for enrichment and low-impact exercise
- The Arlo Gattuso-Slaight Dog Living Room to help dogs practice appropriate behaviours in a home environment
- Training rooms to help dogs overcome behavioural challenges and learn to socialize
- Dedicated animal behaviour experts focused on each dog’s unique needs
Visit ontariospca.ca/dogrehab to learn more to learn more about this life-changing centre.
Help Us Reach the Finish Line
Peterborough Humane Society (PHS) launched ‘The Home Stretch’ Campaign to raise the $3 million needed to meet the fundraising goal for the Our Pet Project capital campaign.
PHS moved to the new location in January 2023, and celebrated the grand opening on June 24, 2023. However, more funds are still needed to bridge the gap and meet the campaign goal. To date, nearly $10 million has been raised; the remaining $3 million will be used to pay off the construction loan.
“We have already seen a tremendous impact on our community since moving into our new facility, and we are hopeful that more donors will join us to allow us to reach our goal, and allow us to provide even more programs and services to support our local and regional communities. We encourage folks to come and visit the new Peterborough Animal Care Centre. Our doors are open, and we look forward to continuing our organizational mission within this incredible new Centre. We’re in the home stretch – but our commitment to improve animal wellness will never stop.”
Shawn Morey, Executive Director
Donations can be made online, over the phone, or in-person at PACC at 1999 Technology Drive, Peterborough. Naming opportunities and major gifts can be discussed with Si Grobler the Manager, Donor Relations at [email protected] or 705-760-4451.